Does Mobile-Friendly Web Design Matter for Nonprofits?

  • What Does “Mobile-Friendly” Mean?
  • The Need for Mobile-Friendly Design
  • Your Audience Is Mobile
  • Google Loves It
  • Tips and Tricks to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly
  • In Conclusion

Mobile Internet usage officially outstripped desktop access back in 2016. That trend has not reversed, making it more important than ever that organizations and businesses cater to the unique needs of users browsing their websites from mobile devices. However, nonprofit organizations don’t have the same needs as commercial enterprises and other organizations, so does this rule apply to you, as well? Yes, absolutely. If you’re not completely on board with the shift toward mobile-friendly design, we’ll lay out what you need to know below.

What Does “Mobile-Friendly” Mean?

First, let’s address something that might not be entirely obvious to you at this point. What do we mean when we say “mobile-friendly”? There’s a lot of confusion here, mostly because more than one technology has been used to create sites that catered to mobile users.

For instance, in the past, Google and web design experts recommended that you actually build two versions of your website – one designed for desktop users, and the other for mobile users, and even denoted by To be clear, this was the industry’s first stab at creating a solution that helped mobile users find the information they needed. It was clumsy, expensive, and didn’t last very long.

Today, websites are no longer used. Responsive website design has become the norm. In this situation, you create a single website that can automatically detect the device being used. Based on that information, the website can resize itself, reorder content, change header size and style, and more, all in order to deliver a better experience for people browsing on smaller screens.

That’s great and all, but why do nonprofits need to worry about mobile-friendly design?

The Need for Mobile-Friendly Design

There are plenty of reasons that you should be investing in a mobile-friendly website for your nonprofit. Below, we’ll explore some of the most important.

Your Audience Is Mobile

We’ve already hinted at the most important reason for your nonprofit organization to use a mobile-friendly website design – most of your audience is using a smartphone today. Here’s a quick look at some eye-opening statistics from Statista:

77% of all “digital minutes” spent in the US in 2019 were on mobile devices.

Almost 52% of all global Internet traffic is now from mobile devices.

As of early 2019, there were over 4 billion unique mobile device users around the world.

Over 97% of Americans have some sort of mobile broadband service/device.

So, let’s be clear – your audience is out there and they’re more than likely using a mobile device to browse your website. If you’re not able to deliver the experience that they want, need, and deserve, they’re going to bounce out, and with them goes their donation, time, and attention.

Google Loves It

Another very important reason to invest in a responsive website is that Google loves mobile-friendly design. In fact, the search giant actively rewards mobile-friendly sites with better page rankings in the SERPs. So, an investment in responsive design will actually get you a better rank. Conversely, sites that aren’t well-suited for mobile users will see their ranking downgraded, so you might look at this as a defensive decision to help prevent your hard-won position from declining.

Tips and Tricks to Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

By now, you should have a clear understanding of why it’s important that your nonprofit’s website be mobile-friendly. However, chances are good that you’re not really sure what that means when it comes to site design, content, layout, and all the rest. Below, we’ll highlight some of the more important tips and tricks to bear in mind so that you’re able to deliver the ideal visitor experience and maximize donations.

1. Keep It Simple
Cut the fat from your website. Mobile users have less time and shorter attention spans, but that does not mean they’re less engaged. You just need to deliver a streamlined experience that allows them to find the information they need or make a donation quickly and easily.

2. Be Smart with Design
Mobile devices still load pages more slowly than desktop computers, even with advanced cellular technology. What that means is you must ensure that your site is laid out intelligently and planned correctly. Optimized images, strategic page breaks and fewer complications will help ensure that your mobile visitors don’t bounce out.

3. Aesthetics Still Matter
It’s tempting to think that mobile design means you should limit your aesthetics, but that’s not the case. Site design and visual appeal still matter. You just need to go at it with an eye for mobile user experience.

4. The Right CMS Is Essential
Your content management system (CMS) is a vital consideration when it comes to creating a mobile-friendly website. The right CMS will provide you with features and functionality that specifically address the needs and challenges of nonprofit organizations.

5. Navigation Matters A Lot
One of the things that will break a user’s experience with your site the fastest is crummy navigation. Make sure that your visitors can easily move from page to page. Your navigation should be intuitive and simple. It may make sense to limit the number of sublevels within dropdown menus, and to keep your page names brief (no more than three words per navigation title).

6. Secure It
Today more than ever before, website security is of paramount importance. That’s particularly true if you’re asking your visitors for donations. Make sure that your site is fully encrypted, but also take additional steps, such as tokenization for donor accounts, and regularly updating your website.

In Conclusion

Ultimately, creating a mobile-friendly website is a vital consideration for all nonprofits. As the shift toward a primarily mobile society moves forward, it will only become more important. If you have not yet invested in a responsive website design, now is the time. Of course, you may be pressed for time, lack the budget, or even lack the in-house design team necessary to pull this off. In that case, let Job Hub Group help.

Contact us today to learn more about how our expert designers can quickly and affordably create a compelling responsive website for your nonprofit organization.